The reading room operates in a special and happy place where the children feel at home.
Here the elementary school students prepare the lessons for the next day always with our help and guidance with methodical organization, patience, persistence and appropriate pedagogical methods.
In an environment that is constantly changing and evolving at a rapid pace, our children need special care and attention,
especially regarding school study.
A fresh and original idea “rings” the bell of the new school year!
Innovative teaching methods are not only about using the most advanced technology in the classroom or constantly following the latest trends in education, these are teaching-learning methods!
Their purpose is to use new teaching strategies that focus more on students.
What we offer
French Lessons
Private French lessons for primary and secondary school students
Speech therapy
More specifically, we help children with:
1. Speech delay
2. Disorders of speech (disorder in the content of speech / semantics, in the form of speech / phonology, morphology, syntax, in the use of speech - pragmatics and learning difficulties)
3. Articular difficulties (articulation problems, dyspraxia, apraxia, dysarthria)
4. Dyslexia
5. Disturbances in the flow of speech (stuttering, slurring)
6. Hard of hearing or deafness (sign language users, hearing aid users, people with cochlear implants)
7. Neurological disorders: (craniocerebral injuries, cerebral palsy, etc.)
8. Peculiarities of speech / speech (coming from bilingual environments)
At the same time, expressive speech has great value and importance in the development and socialization of a child. Thus, through Speech Therapy we help children with various issues in speech, voice, speaking, communication, chewing - swallowing to express themselves and learn functional ways of communicating and interacting with those around them.
School study
School study is the daily preparation of school lessons. The purpose of the school study is:
1. The completion of school work
2. Covering cognitive weaknesses
3. Strengthening the learning abilities of each child
Teaching Methods

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